
Tiziana Moneta began studying piano at age six with Isabella Scotti, receiving her diploma at sixteen, with top marks cum laude, at the "G. Donizetti" Conservatory of Bergamo, under the guidance of Carlo Pestalozza (pupil, along with Benedetti Michelangeli, of the well-known Milanese piano school of G. Anfossi); she also studied Composition with Vittorio Fellegara.

She has attended specialization courses with Nikita Magaloff at the Geneva Conservatory, with the famous Hungarian teacher Ilonka Deckers and, at the Academy of Vienna, with Jörg Demus who wrote: "... an exceptional musician and pianist of exceptional importance, endowed with a unique feeling for Romantic music (Schumann!). As a pianist, she will leave an extraordinary impression."

At twenty-two she undertook the first American tour, with concerts in Boston, New York, interviews and radio recordings, even live.

Since that time, Tiziana Moneta began an international career that has taken her to perform in Italy and throughout Europe, as a soloist and with orchestra, in Spain, Portugal, France, England, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, as well as in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Romania.
She has been invited by the most prestigious concert institutions, and she has everywhere achieved great succes in public and critics.
On the occasion of the disc devoted to the music of Scriabin, the daughter musicologist of the Russian composer, Marina, wrote "... The reviews from the different countries where You have played are a fitting tribute to Your pianistic qualities: Your technique, Your senitiveness so well tuned to that of the author, Your touch ... but I want to add another very rare quality, and it is that You put Your talents entirely to the service of the works that You play in order to let Your listeners discover them, rather than use them to show Yourself off as it happens to even excellent performers ... "

She has been also devoting herself to Chamber music, playing with Quartets Eder of Budapest and Nuova Cameristica and with the American violist James Creitz.
These partnerships have also enabled the production of important CDs, which obtained flattering appreciations.

In 1986, she started a partnership with the pianist Gabriele Rota (pupil of the same Tiziana Moneta and of Aldo Ciccolini for the piano and of Vittorio Fellegara for Composition), facing up to the repertoire for piano four hands and two pianos.
The Duo has already a thirty-five-year international career behind itself, with an extensive discography which includes, among other things, the complete works by Dvořák, Debussy, Ravel and many world premieres, also of contemporary music.

Tiziana Moneta, teacher at the "G. Donizetti" Conservatory of Bergamo, has been appointed Ambassador of the Study Centre "Ars Magistri" for the study and the spread of the teachings of Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli.
The journalist Carlo Enrico Bazzani has reserved her a profile in the book "The protagonists" - published by Comedit - dedicated to Italian women who have established  themselves professionally in all fields of culture.
For a long time, the pianist has maintained close relations with the Nobel Prize Rita Levi Montalcini, who made her a present of all his books with personal dedication.

In 2011 Tiziana Moneta, in collaboration with SIMC (Italian Society of Contemporary Music), established an International Composition Competition dedicated to the memory of her husband, the composer Vittorio Fellegara.
After three editions of the competition, this initiative was renewed in the Vittorio Fellegara Prize (in collaboration with Nomus association) which was assigned in 2019 to the musicologist Martin Nicastro and in 2022 to the Achrome Ensemble, with an award ceremony and a concert at the Museo del Novecento in Milan. 
The Achrome Ensemble recorded a CD entirely devoted to chamber music by Vittorio Fellegara.